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COMM - Communication (COMM) < Texas A&M Catalogs < Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
SPCH Introduction to Communication. Survey of communication topics, research, and contexts of communicative practice; overview of communication from both humanities and social science perspectives. COMM Introduction to the Health Humanities. Introduction to the methods and approaches of the health humanities; exposure to key scholarship in this field as well as major methods and approaches; application of such skills to the analysis of cultural case studies such as illness narratives case study analysis comm 215 contemporary debates in scientific bioethics.
Cross Listing: ENGLHHUMand PHIL SPCH Public Speaking. Training in speeches of social and technical interest designed to teach students to develop and illustrate ideas and case study analysis comm 215 and to inform, stimulate, and persuade their audiences; also taught at Galveston campus.
COMM Communication for Technical Professions. Design and presentation of oral reports for technical professions; incorporation of visual and graphic materials into presentation required; written reports required; also taught at Galveston campus. SPCH Group Communication and Discussion. Definition, structure, and functions of groups; group productivity, codes in verbal and nonverbal communication; problem-solving, role-playing, decision-making; leadership and organization; interview principles and techniques.
Theory and practice of methods in selected interview settings; emphasis on communication between two persons, questioning techniques, and the logical and psychological bases of interpersonal persuasion. Introduction to interactive media and media literacy skills in the digital domain; survey of technology histories, standards, and markets for industries such as multichannel TV, digital radio, video games, steaming media, epublishing, teleconferencing, and social networking.
Prerequisite: Enrollment case study analysis comm 215 communication or telecommunication media studies majors, USLA-BA-JNS concentration, or JOUR minor. Principles and practice of the analysis of speeches and other forms of public discourse; compares systems of rhetorical criticism, such as neo-classical analysis, mythic analysis, rhetorical genres and close textual analysis. SPCH Argumentation and Debate, case study analysis comm 215.
Principles of argumentation and skills of debate, including reasoning, evidence, refutation, and briefing. COMM Difficult Dialogues on Power, Privilege, and Difference. Introduction to the practice of difficult dialogues; skills development in the use of the dialogical tools of active listening, perspective-taking, deliberation, collaborative decision-making, teamwork and collective problem-solving in the context of bias, case study analysis comm 215, prejudice, discrimination, power, equity and privilege.
Examination of new media as independent voices for cultural and political movements; principles governing the design, presentation, and evaluation of blogs as a persuasive medium in society. Introduction to artistic, religious communication; survey of communication art and media art practices across religious contexts; consideration of communication aesthetics that mediate religious experience. COMM Introduction to Communication and Sports. Introduction to the process of communicating sports to the public via television, blogging, online sites and print articles; evaluation of sportscasts; writing about sporting events; examination of the types of communication used within sporting teams.
Theoretical and practical approaches to social media; overview of social media, case study analysis comm 215, social media concepts and theories; social media applications and contexts. Prerequisites: Sophomore classification or approval of instructor; COMM and TCMS majors. Individual supervision of readings or assigned projects in communication. May be taken two times for credit. Prerequisites: Approval of instructor and department head. Selected topics in an identified area of communication.
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Research conducted under the direction of faculty member in the department of communication. May be repeated 3 times for credit. Prerequisites: GPA 2. Historical and critical evaluation of rhetorical theory from the classical era to the contemporary period--from Aristotle to Kenneth Burke.
Major theories of communication and persuasion developed in Europe and America. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification. Examination of mass media impact on politics and political behavior, and governmental impact on the mass media. Prerequisite: POLS or approval of department head; junior or senior classification. Overview of communication using big data; data management, extraction and visualization; message construction, message critique; uses and applications in the field of communication and media for evidence-based arguments, persuasion, education and digital storytelling.
COMM Digital Communication Analytics and Metrics. Digital communication analytics; extraction of information and knowledge from digital communication data; application of data-analytics to social media marketing, demographic analyses of web users, optimization and connection of results across digital tactics; applications of special interest to fields of strategic communication, public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication, social media strategy and journalism, case study analysis comm 215.
Prerequisite: Grade of B or better in COMM or COMM ; junior or senior classification. Theoretical approaches to human communication, including selected theories of language behavior, interpersonal, small group and organizational interaction, persuasion, case study analysis comm 215, technology and mass communication. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor. Law and policy that create the context and consequences for communication via mass media, social media, organizational, group and interpersonal communication, free speech, free press, libel, privacy, copyright, cybersecurity, constitutional principles, international law and human rights, fairness, equity and diversity in communication.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor; COMM also taught at Galveston campus. Survey of methods used in communication research including quantitative, interpretive and rhetorical methods; formulating research questions, determining the appropriate method, planning and designing the research, data collection, and data analysis and interpretation.
Prerequisite: 6 hours of MATH, PHILor STAT Research methods in communication including experimental, survey, interpretive and critical methods; emphasis on research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation; project based. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in COMM ; STAT ; junior or senior classification. Communication interventions for personal, organizational, and institutional change; survey of major communication intervention theories in contexts such as voting, purchasing, case study analysis comm 215, joining, or adopting; individual-level, interpersonal level, and community-level models of change; application of social science-based models to guide communication intervention strategies effectively.
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in COMM ; junior or senior classification. Speech interaction in person-to-person settings; concepts of perception, attraction, self-disclosure, listening, and conflict management through communication; speech interaction patterns and stages in the development of interpersonal communication. Examine the role of media and its impact on human behavior, emotions and thoughts; topics include mass media, case study analysis comm 215, case study analysis comm 215 media and how they influence individual and societal functioning across a range of important psychological topics; e.
Prerequisites: PSYC Laws and regulations applied to social media, including communication law applied to enduring issues in the case study analysis comm 215 media context; legal problems unique to social media; case study analysis comm 215 speech, commercial speech and employment law as they affect individual users of social media as well as groups and organizations promoting points of view or products via social media, and employers. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
Speech communication behavior and networks within organizations; recent research on speech communication systems, communication climate, and communication barriers in organizational settings. Strategic communication practice; application of skills including communication research, media writing and advanced media writing, visual media and public speaking; case study analysis comm 215 as not-for-fee consultant to case study analysis comm 215 community organization.
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in COMM and COMM ; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. Examination of strategic use of communication tactics; analysis of new and digital media in organizational and public communication; skill development in strategic use of communication tactics including writing for new media, researching, planning, integrating and evaluation effectiveness of traditional and new media tactics in strategic public communication.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in COMMjunior or senior classification. Application of strategic communication tools to create and influence policy, to improve profit and non-profit strategic communication planning. COMM Communication Leadership and Conflict Management. Communication perspective of leadership, of conflict, of management of conflict in interpersonal, group and societal contexts; models of leadership as communication phenomenon; use of symbols by leaders to foster collaboration, systemic constructionist approach.
Theory of effective persuasive communication in interpersonal, small group, and public settings; audience analysis, ethics of persuasion, motivational factors, psychological and rhetorical principles, source credibility, and theories of attitude change.
Role of integrated communication in event planning; approaches for implementation in specific contexts such as conferences, professional meetings, celebratory events and programs for community outreach; professional, interpersonal and organizational coordination of information, people and budget; theory-informed action praxis approach.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor. Survey of significant American oratory; critical analysis of important speeches in their historical, political, social, and philosophical contexts. Nontechnical survey of how modern technologies influence human communication including an introduction to communication technologies; the influence case study analysis comm 215 technology on interpersonal communication, group decision-making and public communication; an analysis of argumentation and persuasion in technological issues.
Communication variables in intercultural contexts including culture and meaning, nonverbal styles across cultures, patterns of symbolic transfer, case study analysis comm 215 shock and communication, values in intercultural dialogue. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification; also taught at Qatar campus. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.
Survey of theories and concepts of popular culture; dynamic relationships between pop culture and television, film, sports, politics and leisure. Study of field of rhetoric of health and medicine with specific attention to the study of gender, including issues in reproduction, expertise and illness; range of methods and methodological approaches within the field.
Cross Listing: ENGL and WGST Examination of key concepts and theories relevant to communicating in an increasingly diverse world; consideration of the mutual constitution of culture and communication; investigation of multiple axes of identity; critical and cultural approach; critical investigation of topics concerning communication, diversity, equity and inclusion; public advocacy project.
Survey of the business organization, economic structures and processes, and regulations of the media industry. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior classification or approval of instructor. Survey of different theories of mediated communication processes and effects; functions of theories in social scientific research on media and mediated processes.
Interrelationships between money and power and communication; the influence of media and communication on power and money; communication law and policy; the political economy of local, national, and global communication networks. Origins and development of the mass media; their influence on social, political, and cultural change; history of mass communication from historical, sociological, and cultural perspectives.
Mass media, international, and cross-cultural audiences; theoretical, pragmatic, political and ethical issues; including cultural differences, comparative media systems, development communication, patterns of world news flow, political propaganda, impact of international advertising and other issues.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification; COMM also taught at Galveston and Qatar campuses. Survey of theory and research in health communication, including interaction between patients and providers, communication in health care organizations, health care campaigns, and cultural meanings of health and illness. Media audiences; research and theory; processes and effects of mass communication; audience members' uses and interpretations of media; topics including political media, news, and entertainment, health and information campaigns, children and other special audiences.
Communicative principles case study analysis comm 215 skills necessary to launch future multimedia entrepreneurial endeavors in a saturated digital environment; exploration of shift in the entrepreneurial landscape; emphasis on collaborative communication methods as a means to free market success.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in COMM ; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. Critical analysis of popular culture and mass media issues related to children and adolescents; deconstruction of case study analysis comm 215 created by, for and about children and youth. The contributions of women and ethnic groups to the evolution of the media; the portrayal of women and ethnic groups in the mass media; issues resulting from the recognition of women and ethnic groups as media audiences.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification and approval of instructor. History of radio and record industries; communication technology and media industries related to American popular music; interaction of communication technologies, media industries, social and cultural processes in evolution of popular music, case study analysis comm 215. Critical analysis of new media technologies, civic participation, and social capital in democratic, non-democratic, and nascent civil societies around the world.
Survey of the role of gender in communication processes; focus on communication differences between men and women in contexts such as the family, school and work organizations; discussion of media influence in gender stereotypes. Rhetorical evaluation of theoretical literature and pragmatic episodes that shaped the U. Civil Rights Movement; examination of significant speeches, documents, and protest activities in their historical, political, and social contexts. Survey of events and rhetorical documents of major U.
social movements, including abolitionist, labor, socialist, women's rights, civil rights, pro-life, gay and lesbian, and student movements.
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