Saturday, November 27, 2021

Dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism

Dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism

dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism

Nov 19,  · I propose to use qualitative research methodology for undertaking this thesis, as I believe that qualitative research is significant for investigating this sensitive and complex issue of finding a correlation between Christian leadership and the job satisfaction and retention among IT employees RELATIONSHIPS AMONG JOB SATISFACTION, PROFESSIONAL EFFICACY, STUDENT AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE, AND TEACHER ABSENTEEISM by Laura Beckham Dana A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School Of The University of Southern Mississippi in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Approved:Cited by: 1 The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among job satisfaction, professional efficacy, student and school performance, and teacher absenteeism in Mississippi. This study also addressed methods that can be used by policymakers to better ensure low rates of absenteeism. The study measured the relationship between teachers' satisfaction with workplace conditions

"Relationships Among Job Satisfaction, Professional Efficacy, Student a" by Laura Beckham Dana

Employee turnover has become foremost problem with companies today. Employee turnover causes a high cost to the company. In the UAE employee turnover is very high. This paper is an investigation into the employee turnover problem that the firms in UAE face. The paper tries to determine the reasons, which causes job dissatisfaction among employees and results in turnover intention. The research used a quantitative methodology and data was collected through questionnaire survey.

Hypothesis testing was done through correlation analysis of the measures of job satisfaction, which were work environment, career development, management style, promotion, and compensation. The analysis showed that the above-mentioned measures led to greater job satisfaction and thus helped in retention of the employees. The suggested retention strategies to be employed by the organizations in order to retain employees was to improve the working environment of the organizations, introduce career development, make management style more participative, promotions must be fair, fair and equitable compensation, and enrichment of the job of the employees.

The retention strategies that should be employed by the organizations are to improve the working environment of the organizations, introduce career development, make management style more participative, promotions must be fair, fair and equitable compensation, and enrichment of the job of the employees.

This will increase job satisfaction of dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism employees and increase retention of employees by reducing turnover. The most important asset in an organisation is its people. Therefore, it is crucial for an organisation to retain its employees as they are considered the main asset of any kind of business. Having worked in a government organisation in Dubai, high turnover has been experienced.

Even when, due to the present financial crisis there are abundant of human resource, organisations in the Middle East are faced with a challenge of recruiting and retaining employees.

Employee turnover is divided into two types — involuntary turnover and voluntary turnover. When employees are asked to leave due to poor performance or inappropriate behaviour it is called involuntary turnover. Voluntary turnover is when an employee leaves an organisation based on personal choice such as when employees find jobs that offer higher salaries, better compensation, better job position etc.

There are numerous problems associated with employee turnover in organisations. One of the main problems is that high rates of employee turnover costs huge amount of money. The aim of this study is to evaluate and measure the rate of employee turnover in government organisations in the UAE. Turnover related data will be collected through questionnaire survey and analysed, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism.

Based on the analysis, strategies will be recommended where significant improvement is required. Three government companies from the petroleum, telecommunications, and real estate and investment sectors dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism be studied and evaluated vis-a-vis a set of criteria related to job satisfaction, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism.

The petroleum company has a network of approximately service stations located in Dubai and the Northern Emirates. It also runs the vehicle registration service as well as vehicle servicing centres, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. The telecommunications company which is the dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism in the region and 12 th largest globally operates in the UAE. The company has a modern telecommunications infrastructure and offers innovative dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism up-to-date high-tech services.

The real estate company, launched inis a holding company that owns and develops a portfolio of different industries such as leisure and entertainment as well as other developments related to energy, healthcare and hospitality.

It has a major role in the growth of Dubai. The portfolio of the company spans four major strategic areas, which include transport and logistics, dry-docks, and maritime, urban development and financial services. Employee turnover is a growing concern in the United Arab Emirates and the region as a whole.

The average length of time an employee holds a job in the UAE is 4. In addition, to the tangible cost there are intangible costs of turnover which affects regional companies experience knowledge drain as employees leave with valuable experience and knowledge.

Ayesh also believes that turnover results in training and productivity cost of new employees, as it takes time for people to be productive. In addition, other costs include loss of revenue, slow customer service, less production, the ability to deliver projects on time and loss of business relationships and contacts. Reducing the rate of employee turnover in organisations implies retaining good performers.

This would reduce training cost of new employees regularly, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. Moreover, when people leave, work is left pending, which leaves other employees to carry out those jobs temporarily, leaving some frustrated as increase.

Other expenses are related to recruitment processes such as cost of recruitment agencies and cost of advertising for the vacant position. In the UAE, the cost associated with turnover of each employee is about AED15, every year. This paper can be beneficial to any organisation experiencing such problems in order to gain improvement and increase productivity, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism.

Literature review encompasses the relevant theories and previous studies in the area of employee turnover in organizations. This section first discusses the concepts of how job satisfaction and retention is related to performance. Then, theories related to employee turnover are mentioned. Theories related to the measures of job satisfaction, like work environment, management style, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism, career development, nature of job, compensation, promotions, and co-worker relationships, are covered.

Finally, strategies undertaken to reduce the rate of employee turnover in different organizations are described. Mobley Mobley conceived a model, which associated negative job attitude to voluntary turnover.

Griffeth, Hom and Gaertner conducted a meta analysis of employee turnover studies and concluded that employee turnover is affected by:. Griffeth et al noted that lack of job satisfaction led to employee turnover. A similar finding is demonstrated in the study by Boxall et al who studied an organization in New Zealand, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. According to their study, the main reason for employee attrition was when they found another job to be more interesting.

Previous researches have shown that economic factors have a dominant impact on employee turnover in organizations. As Mobley et al noted that there exists a link between economic factors such as levels of employment or job vacancies and employees leaving the organisation. Researchers have established a link between employee turnover and their intentions to quit.

Rosse and Miller developed a basic model that proposed that there are certain behaviour families that lead to dissatisfaction of employees at work. Rosse and Hulin concluded with the findings that dissatisfied employees who did not choose an adaptive response dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism dissatisfaction experienced mental and health illnesses compared to dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism who successfully adapted.

There are three aspects that are related to job satisfaction, which are values, perception, and importance.

Employees are satisfied when they find or perceive that their actual job specifications are congruent with their value system. Employees express dissatisfaction with their jobs when organisations experience job withdrawal with their employees, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism.

An example of physical withdrawal is being absent. Another type of job withdrawal is psychological withdrawal, which means, when employees cannot physically withdraw themselves from their jobs for some reason, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism, they would attend physically; however, they would be absent minded, in other words, their minds would be somewhere else. Therefore, it is very difficult to motivate employees with los job involvement, which negatively affects job satisfaction.

The theories related to job satisfaction are illustrated below. Research carried out shows that satisfied employees attend work despite environmental constraints, which can be considered an excellent excuse not to come to work Smith, Pelled and Xin suggested that negative moods lead to absenteeism rather than turnover. Mitchell et al. Creating a positive work environment leads to a decrease in turnover, in other words, contributes to employee retention Guthrie Outcomes, however, can be negative, when an employee is accused of poor work.

Thomson, Career development is one of the methods that lead to increase in job satisfaction as policies and procedures related to training and development are specifically designed to provide support in their job and help them to achieve and perform better, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. According to Arnold and Davey relation between career development and employee turnover has not been widely studied.

They believe that as long-term career development, training, and interesting work are the main reasons for employees to join organizations. Training is an integral part of career development.

He found that organisations that provide continuous training programs to their employees experience lower rates of employee turnover. Winterton asserted that training programs have resulted in changes experienced with the attitudes of employees. It is evident that attitude is significantly dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism to physical and mental withdrawal from an organisation and turnover. Moreover, development helps employees to be prepared for changes that may occur, which can happen because of changes in the external conditions experienced by the organisation.

A development plan for the career of the employees is important as this keeps them motivated, and their spirits up Pearson Employee development is significant as it improves quality, meets the challenges faced by competitors, incorporates advancement in technology, and is very important for development of employees, especially those holding senior positions and those that are likely to become leaders.

A study by Maurer of the job rotation in naval forces showed that a rotation of jobs of the navy personnel to shore jobs helped to keep them motivated and reduce attrition.

Managing people and talent management have a significant effect on job satisfaction, retention, and employee turnover. It is very important for managers to manage their employees in order to prevent them from creating problems, which will affect them and the organisation.

Many studies have revealed that the main problem experienced by organisations is due to human errors or wrong decisions made. In some cases, organisations sometimes experience employees who do not perform well, cause problems by spreading rumours, and who do not attend their jobs according to the official working hours by attending late or leaving early.

IDS suggest organisations that face a problem of increase in employee turnover should fully aim to communicate regularly with employees and motivate them. A study by Kim shows that organizations that employees perception of a participative management style for strategic planning, empowerment, and effective supervisory communication leads to job satisfaction.

Another study by Parnell and William of organizations of Egyptian origin shows that national culture has a strong impact on the behaviour of employees and the measures of their satisfaction. This has as stronger implication in case of dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism decision making. There is a significant relationship between the nature of a job experience and job satisfaction. This is considered one element that has an effect on job satisfaction. Jobs that are considered boring and monotonous do not challenge employees leading to dissatisfaction.

According to previous studies, it has been shown that such jobs have a negative effect on females more than males. For example, a recent study has been carried out on thirty-two manufacturing plants. It dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism that monotonous jobs affect females more than males, as the rate of absenteeism was three times higher with females than males. Another element that influences job satisfaction is the degree in which physical strain is associated with a job.

Advancement in technology has made some jobs less demanding. Finally, the third element that affects job satisfaction is the value of the work to the dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. Studies have shown that the role of employees have an effect on job satisfaction as well, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism role ambiguity, role conflict and role overload.

Employee Absenteeism

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Christian Leadership, Job Satisfaction and IT Worker Retention - Words | Free Paper Example

dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism

LEADER SUPPORT, INCENTIVES, JOB SATISFACTION ABSENTEEISM, AND SELF-EFFICACY by Tara Rebekah Rouse A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School and the Department of Educational Studies and Research at The University of Southern Mississippi in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Approved:Author: Tara Rebekah Rouse To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Nancy M. Gilbert entitled "Influence of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover, Absenteeism The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among job satisfaction, professional efficacy, student and school performance, and teacher absenteeism in Mississippi. This study also addressed methods that can be used by policymakers to better ensure low rates of absenteeism. The study measured the relationship between teachers' satisfaction with workplace conditions

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